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University of Rostock

The University of Rostock participates with three faculties: the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMN) and the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF) and the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, Department Life, Light & Matter (LLM). In the chemistry department, there is a long experience in the field of homogeneous, heterogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis. Organic chemistry comprises coupling, cyclization reactions, and building block chemistry. Other experience comprises catalysis for biomass conversion, enzyme catalysis, hydrogen formation from sustainable feedstock, semiconductor research and electro catalysis.  The focus of the AUF lies on the sustainable use of resources in coastal agricultural landscapes, what includes the sectors plant, soil, water and its relations and interfaces. From the AUF the professorships “Waste Management and Material Flow” (ASW) and “Geodesy and Geoinformatics” (GG) are involved in the project activities and research. Cooperation between LIKAT and ASW exists in the field utilization of CO2 from bioenergy plants.

Prof. Udo Kragl
Industrial Chemistry Division
Dr. Dirk Hollmann
Sustainable Chemistry
Dr. Robert Franke
Electrochemistry, Electrosynthesis
Prof. Malte Brasholz
Organic Photochemistry
Prof. Peter Huy
Organic Chemistry
Dr. Stefan Jopp
Photocatalysis/Reaction Engineering
Prof. Axel Schulz
Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Peter Langer
Organic chemistry

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The SDG's

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About us

We foster the development and establishment of catalysis technologies and processes through the training of qualified scientists able to assume leadership positions in both industry and academia.


Here you can find announcements and the latest news from us.

Get in touch

RoHan Catalysis
DAAD SDG Graduate School

+49 381 498-8994

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